Travel Program

Travel Program


Travel is our highest level of soccer. CVU Travel is also called Competitive, with most accepted players having past soccer experience. We offer opportunities at the Premier and Classic levels of play. All of our travel teams are part of the newly formed VPSL-NPL West Division.

The Travel experience is available for U11 to U18/U19 players. A season for U11 to U14 players includes both the Fall and Spring, while U15 and older players only have a Fall season. Tryouts are required for those interested in joining one of our travel teams.

All of our coaches are licensed professionals who work with our CVU Technical Staff to implement the club curriculum and encourage player development. Red teams will practice twice a week at the CVU Complex, while white and black teams will train three times. Travel games are typically scheduled for the weekends.

CVU players are also encouraged to continue their soccer training in the off-season by participating in camps and other available programs in the area.


Travel Details


Season tryouts occur in the month of May. All players are asked to register online and pay the tryout fee before attending a session. This includes new and returning players. Players will be grouped by age for the tryouts where they will be evaluated by CVU coaches and technical directors.

The placement of players is based on tryout evaluations which include player skill, commitment level, and attitude. Historical performance may also be considered for returning players. Families and players are notified by email if they have been invited to join a CVU Premier Black Team or a CVU Classic Red team. The amount of teams and players accepted in a given season depends upon the number of coaches and the number of quality players that attend tryouts.

To fill any open spaces, CVU offers supplemental tryouts in the Spring. These tryouts typically occur around February and are used to fill needed positions in our U11 to U14 teams.

Registration Costs

The following are CVU Travel Player Fees for the 2024-2025 season. Our Board of Directors reviews player fees before the beginning of each season. At the time of registration, members will have the option to pay in full or pay an initial $100 deposit and select a payment plan.

U15 - U18/U19 Premier Teams (Black/White) | $1,155


U11 - U14 Premier Teams (Black/White) | $1,430


U15 - U18/U19 Classic Teams (Red) | $960


U11 - U14 Classic Teams (Red) | $1,045



Players are encouraged to attend the Preseason Travel Camp in late July/early August to prepare for the start of Fall training. The Fall Season begins in August and runs through early to mid-November.

The Spring Season starts mid-February and ends by Memorial Day in May. U11 to U14 teams have both a Fall and Spring season. Training schedules are released via email and updated in the GameChanger app.

Seasons may be extended slightly due to the possibility of weather related cancelations and rescheduled games. Some tournaments and/or showcases may take place outside of regular season times.  

Practices and Games

Players are expected to attend all training sessions. Each player is required to bring their own ball and water to training. Shin guards, cleats, and soccer socks are required. No jewelry is permitted on players during training.

Coaches put significant time and energy into planning training sessions therefore, as a matter of respect to our coaches and players, any absence or tardiness should be reported to coaches at least 24 hours in advance of a session. Please be aware that absences and tardiness from training are a valid cause for limiting game day playing time - at the coach's discretion. Parents are not permitted to be involved in training sessions or to communicate with their children unless there is an urgent need.

Games are scheduled to take place over the weekend - home games are played at the CVU Complex while away games take place at other club complexes throughout the state.

Tournaments & Showcases

Tournaments are a fun and challenging part of the travel soccer experience. The number and type of tournaments that players participate in will depend on their team and play level. Our Premier Teams typically participate in at least one additional tournament for the season. Classic Teams have additional opportunities to participate in tournaments on a team-by-team basis at their own expense.

Tournament entries are made at the discretion of the CVU Executive Director with input from the team coach. Depending on the event location and schedule, tournaments may require overnight stays in hotels. Your registration fee covers the entry fee for certain tournaments - see registration costs above - however, each family is responsible for their own accommodation costs and means of transportation.

Showcase opportunities will be available for our older, U15 and up teams. Showcases give players the chance to play in front of various college soccer coaches in an effort to be recruited upon their high school graduation.

Travel Soccer Expectations Packet 24/25





    Futures & Academy







   Office Hours:

    Monday - Friday 

    9:00am - 3:00pm

   Phone Number:

    (434) 846-6540

Email Address:


Mailing Address: 

P.O. Box 738 Lynchburg, VA 24505